Women are not exactly known for taking risk, but I love to see women overcome all obstacles real or imagined, I love to read about successful women.
This are women, which success stories are inspiring. Women who weren't scared to take risk! Women who were not afraid of failing! Women who are achievers! Self made women! Women who are Kings in the world of entertainment entrepreneurship! Self motivated, Results Oriented Achievers.

Mo-Abudu: You probably didn't know her full name is Mosunmola Abudu, she is popularly known as Mo-Abudu. Aunty Mo Abudu as I love to call her.Is a talk show host, a Tv presenter, a human resources management consultant, an entrepreneur and a philanthropist. She has been described by Forbes as "Africa's most successful woman". Our very own Oprah. She is the founder of Ebony life Tv. She is a visionary, purposeful and forward thinking person. She never takes "No" for an answer. Her early days were quite tough, growing up without the support of her father... she fought through it all to build a name for herself through several successful businesses. She makes things happen no matter the odds, she always knows what she wants and she goes for it. Like she said; "if you can think it, you can do it" She is one Successful Entrepreneur who wasn't afraid of failing. She is indeed a  Risk Taker.

Oke Maduewesi: she is the CEO of Zaron group of companies. Zaron is a well known Cosmetic brand in the country. Oke Maduewesi is a perfect example of how women should handle life's challenges, after loosing her husband to the 2006 Sosoliso plane crash. She refused to be the typical face of widowhood. She is one great risk taker...she left her banking job and dived into business,without looking back, she was determined to reach success. She carved a niche by building and creating a cosmetic brand. Doe it wasn't an easy journey. She was never scared of failure.

Uche Pedro: is the founder of Bella Naija, the popular online lifestyle, fashion and entertainment magazine. She is also the CEO/MD of Bainstone Limited, a media company. Uche Pedro only started Bellanaija as a hobby, she blogged to fill boring moments. It's like she said " there are no fixed career paths, look inward, find yourself passion, find your niche and go for it, don't over think it, while you are still thinking, someone may lunch your idea". She always prepares for the worst. She is one entrepreneur who isn't afraid of failure.

Betty Irabor: The editor in chief and chief executive officer of Genevieve magazine, says, the trick to success is "to do it afraid" she started genevieve magazine without thinking too much about it. She just dived in the deep end and started going without knowing how to swim, in her words: " I thought I was going to drown and I thought to myself, I had better start learning how to swim from the deep end".Now, she is one great swimmer. She is Indeed a risk taker.

Linda ikeji: Yea! My Big sis Linda. Few years ago she was just a lady with a dream and some few Naira in her pocket, all she had was a big dream and a zeal to succeed. She dared to press forward, Today she is the most successful Internet enterprnuer. A self made millionaire. She is risk taker.

Lola OJ: Ah...Loli baby, (my best friend in my head) Lola is the founder of Blinx eyelashes, a Beauty editor and enthusiast. she was raised in the UK, with a profesion in Law and a business going on well for her. But as a Risk taker that she is...she left all that, came back to Nigeria and built a brand here for herself. Home is where it is Baby. Lola oj is indeed one big risk taker.

To me, this are very daring and unapologetic Risk takers who fearlessly followed their dreams and passion untill it became a reality.
To every woman out there..Be inspired. If your feeling like a failure, Be inspired. If your feeling lost, be inspired, if your feeling confused be inspired.
In other news....."Dream so big you get uncomfortable telling small minded people."

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