Are you having a hard time,  opening the blog? Are you getting error messages like - Site can't be reached? Connection time out? Search for glancing? 

I really am sorry about that.  I honestly do not what's going on. 

I have had several complaints and we've tried to fix it,  but it's still happening to some person's. 

It happened to me too,  when I tried opening with my phone browser, but now i can access the blog at a very high speed.  I tink it's because I switched my Data Network to MTN. I was on GLO. 

Though the blogs opens with Opera Mini Browser (you should try using Opera Mini to access the blog,  if you're having difficulty opening it).  It delays with Browser's like Chrome and Mozilla. 

We've tried all we could.  And Hope it fixes it self with time. 

But for the main time please bear with us.  We are so sorry for every Inconvenience caused! 

If your have any solution that could help fix this error.  Please leave a comment below! 

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