My little world of fantasy: is it just me or are my crazy?

Most times I ask myself, is it just me who sits there or just lay down staring into thin air, grossed in my imaginations, wandering into the future, disconnecting from reality. Creating scenarios, occasions, where I'd rather be in my head. Sometimes I get so lost in my in-depth imaginations, each night before I fall asleep I tend to imagine a lot of things! Seeing them like its there! This may sound silly, but I like to think imaginations are a way of saying a prayer to God! Like Dear God, you know my heart. Some prayers are best communicated through thoughts! Why? Because God knows and see it all.

Now, isn't it just fascinating how we explore the possible future without being tied down to the hardships of reality. Am I crazy? Or someone else does this. I remember when my BFF came visiting and we were just there gisting, she did not know I was there physically but mentally I was lost in my own little world of fantasy, and guess what it was about; "My wedding" on how she was there at that particular time because I was getting married! How I had a full house that week, and all of them were there to attend my wedding. On how it all went down, from the major wedding plans to the "I thee wed" proper. When I came back from my little trip to the future, I busted into laughter, and she gave me the "are you alright" look! I narrated my little mental adventure to her and we laughed over it.

What am I saying in essence? I woke up this morning, while still on bed, I caught my self wandering away again. Have I lost my mind, or this is normal. Am of the notion that what reality can't achieve, dreams fulfill. I've walked down the aisle a thousand and one time in my head, I've created a scenario on how my husband and I will meet, how he will propose on a romantic cruise! I've imagined our first conversation! Our first kiss, and first every other thing that comes along! I've imagined what my in-laws would be like, I've thought and played our conversations in my head. I've fantasized over having two mini me's (My twin girls) I've fantasized about going shopping with them, making their hair, being their best friend. I've imagined employing my first 20 staffs! I've imagined owning and running my very own company. Damn! What haven't I created in my head? Oh! And also my first 10years of marriage!

 In my little world of fantasies I have built the perfect life! I have all I ever wanted, I drove the cars am obsess about, I lived in the home I always wanted to live in! But it's quite disappointing and depressing when you jack back to reality and those things aren't just here yet! But as silly as this might sound, daydreaming has in more ways than one help me establish goals while motivating me to strive for them. When ever I get out of my world of fantasies I feel a need to re-evaluate my goals,.
Fantasies also has a way of bring me peace and calmness! It has helped me relax in the midst of worries, anxiety, fatigue, tension and so on. It has helped me escape painful situations. Funny enough am always in a happier place when fantasizing. To me it's a safe place, I've found love already in this little world of mine. Lol! Imagining having what it is i want, gives me a sense of fulfillment, like why worry I have succeeded already! Hopefully all my dreams will become reality some day!

Do you go through this too? what do you fantasise about?
Let us know in the comment section.

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