1999 my family moved into our new apartment. The were two huge mango trees we inherited. They would fall every spring filling every bag in the house. We would sometimes make plenty mango juice. You just could not go hungry during mango season.

Then suddenly, they stopped fruiting one after the other. Two years passed and we did not eat mango. About 2011, My father then asked that we planted new trees. Ahhh plant new mango trees? When would we ever get to eat from them? To ensure they were planted, he got loggers to cut down the other two. Just to be obedient, we went ahead to plant new mango trees. We were not sure they would make it so we planted 4 trees. My dad would make us manure them sometimes and I'd angrily do it. I knew it would take for ever before the trees started yielding. I would usually stand by them to check our height just to remind me that I was on a hopeless mission.

I had totally forgotten about them all these years and then 2017 came. We noticed the flowers on the trees. The four of them had survived and started fruiting. I stood beside one measuring my height with it one more time. I was no match to the giant it had become. I now enjoy so much mango and I give some out sef.

Its incredible how six years passed and how the seeds we thought would take too long to yield is fruiting in large numbers. Sometimes we feel discouraged because we feel the seeds of success would take too long to yield. Sometimes we feel like we are wasting our time unless we use the short cut. Sometimes we feel we can depend on our inheritance but just like the two trees we came to meet stopped fruiting, those inheritances could fail. We need to plant our seeds now and plant a lot of them incase all do not survive but sometimes, like in the case of our mango trees, all might, and that's a plus. And if you want your wealth to come fast, simply manure your plants with knowledge and skills and more hardwork... someday, when you have forgotten how it started, your mango would fall in overflowing quantities. Its never too late.

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